Please note this information is now found on the 'News' tab of the app for ease of finding the information. (ypu won't need to scroll down all the time) and it will be posted on the 'News' tab from now on instead. However pls don't forget tp keep checking the community tab for group messages!
Tuesday evening: (FULL) Bryony, Rachel, Charles, Paul B, Jill, Fe, Freya, Lola
Wednesday morning: Les, John, Jemma
Wednesday evening: (FULL) Jason E, Jason D, Steve B, Tully, Steve G, Matt, Les, John T, Anil, Ewan, Janine, Paul K
Thursday morning: Lyn, Sarah, Andrew, Jack, Bernadette, Mike, Liz, Doris, Margaret, Jemma, Sandi, Paul, Sue, Katherine