So excited to put together lots of brilliant sessions & events in March for everyone🎉You will see the new Tuesday sessions are on there for around level 3.5 or invited to this session by the coach.
Thursdays we are hoping to fill the whole hall just for us 💪
There is a SPRING TOURNIVAL planned for Friday 7th 9.30-1pm with booking available via the calendar now.
PBC UK LEAGUE is planned for Thursday 27th March 7.30-9.30pm at Wrekin. Add your name to the waitlist if you are available for this date.
You may notice there aren't any weekend sessions at Shrewsbury - this is deliberate as the only free slots were when the basketball had matches, so I respectfully declined the booking slots 😂. We may have further news about weekends don't despair!
As always please give your suggestions for changing/ adding in different sorts of sessions. No fot4pickle in March planned. There also aren't any coaching ones put in. However if anyone is keen on more of these sorts of sessions we can surely program some in!
I'd love you to do another Festival at Aldersley in W'ton. That was.about this timw.laSt year I think. It was really well attended and DUPR scored
Thanks Fe. I do hope you manage to sort some weekend sessions 🤞