Im excited to add this NEW coaching service for you at the Central England Festival on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Ernesto Velazquez will be a available to book to come & observe you playing a match (10 min matches) at the festival, and then post-match tell you 5 tips for helping you improve ie. things to focus on or correct. This is a dynamic and realistic way for him to help players & you can then go off and practise! If you would like to do this there will be a sheet to put yr name down at the registration desk and he will make his way down the list. The cost of this will only be £5 cash to give to Ernesto direct during your match feedback.
There are still some spaces for the coaching clinics which are a more thorough and practical

hour long session. Book direct via whattsapp with him if you are interested: +34 650 314 741. If you have already booked a clinic with him, please bring cash to pay him directly at the festival.