To the 44 players involved in the team event this Sunday at The Sports Village, please arrive from 9.30am and meet in the cafe. It will be lovely for us all to have a social catch up before the event starts.
The white board will show you which courts to go to warm up. It will be a very short warm up for everyone before the event officially starts.
The order of play will also be posted on the white board - sometimes you will be watching /cheering on your team mates, and you can use this time to get some quick refreshments between matches. Im aiming for everyone to play as much as possible over the 4 hours without a 'lunch' break. Gender doubles matches will be first, then mixed matches and if there is time and some wish to play singles, we will.
At 2pm play will stop and please then vacate the hall with your belongings. I would appreciate help moving the nets in one piece through to the outside of the hall & bring the balls in.
Everyone will then reconvene to the cafe area for announcement of the teams performances /prizes. Feel free to stay as long as you want to and socialise, since the sports village will be open for the rest of the afternoon.
Spectators are welcome to attend.
Please put a thumbs up emoji on this post 👍 so I know you have read the above information & hope you are looking forward to this team event!