For those wanting to play more competitively there are various tournaments outside of PBC UK events and sessions. You can google these by going on the Pickleball England website or on The Dinking, or looking on facebook for pickleball related tournaments. Next weekend there is a tournament in Wolverhampton (not run by PBC UK) but its fairly local. Good luck 🍀 to a few of our members who are playing!
You dont need to have a rating to enter some of the competitions, but if you are not sure of your level or need advice then please do ask. Its a good idea to do some DUPR sessions within our group before entering tournaments externally to see how you feel about competing.
Normally external competitions (especially Nationals & The Open) are at least 0.5 higher in terms of the standard of play we think of at club level eg. if u think u are a 3.5 in our group then you are probably fine entering a 3-3.5 competition as long as your official DUPR is not above 3.5 and this is a requirement in terms of entry. (If you are a 3.0 at club level then you will find it a challenge to enter the larger competitions at 3-3.5 as you will be playing against people rated upto 3.5. )