Does it fill you with dread when someone sends up a high ball when you are standing at the kitchen? Being prepared by having a 'plan' is essential in helping you deal with an attemped 'lob'.
Step 0 - Dont panic!! You got this....
Step 1 - Quick turn your body side on
and get into the 'Usain Bolt' position ie non dominant arm pointing up to the ball and other arm with paddle tip back behind your shoulder also pointing to the ball
Step 2 - Decide if you need to sidestep back in a balanced position with your body and decide how many sidesteps back in order to do step 3....
Step 3 - contact the ball out in front in your line of vision rather than behind your head and ensure your paddle is slightly angled forward on contact
Step 4 - push the ball back deep and down the middle is least risky
Step 5 - let the paddle naturally come down and across your body ending low on the opposite side